Source code for awscli_bastion.credentials

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from configparser import ConfigParser
from import tzutc
from dateutil.parser import parse
import boto3
import click
import datetime
import humanize
import pathlib
import os
import sys

[docs]class Credentials: """ Manage getting and setting attributes for the aws shared credentials file. """ def __init__(self): self.aws_shared_credentials_path = os.path.join(pathlib.Path.home(), ".aws/credentials") self.config = ConfigParser()
[docs] def is_expired(self, bastion_sts="bastion-sts"): """ Return whether or not the bastion-sts credentials are expired. :return: Whether or not the bastion-sts credentials are expired. :rtype: bool """ expired = False now_dt = expiration_iso = self.config[bastion_sts]["aws_session_expiration"] expiration_dt = parse(expiration_iso) if now_dt > expiration_dt: expired = True return expired
[docs] def get_expiration(self, profile="bastion-sts", human_readable=True): """ Return how much time until the bastion-sts credentials expire. :param human_readable: Whether or not to output as human readable. :type human_readable: bool :return: How much time until the bastion-sts credentials expire. :rtype: str """ try: expiration_iso = self.config[profile]["aws_session_expiration"] except KeyError: click.echo("The '{}' profile did not have the 'aws_session_expiration' attribute.") sys.exit(1) now_dt = expiration_dt = parse(expiration_iso) delta = now_dt - expiration_dt return humanize.naturaltime(delta) if human_readable else delta
[docs] def get_mfa_serial(self, bastion_sts="bastion-sts"): """ Get the mfa serial number for the bastion iam user. :param bastion_sts: The profile containing the 'mfa_serial' attribute. :type bastion_sts: str :raises Exception: Failed to get mfa_serial from bastion_sts profile. :return: The identification number of the MFA device that is associated with the bastion_sts profile. """ try: return self.config[bastion_sts]["mfa_serial"] except Exception: click.echo("An error occured when getting the mfa_serial from {} profile.".format(bastion_sts)) click.echo("Try setting mfa_serial attribute with the 'bastion set-mfa-serial' command.") sys.exit(1)
[docs] def set_mfa_serial(self, mfa_serial=None, bastion_sts="bastion_sts"): """ Set the 'mfa_serial' attribute for the given profile, typically the bastion-sts profile. :param mfa_serial: The identification number of the MFA device that is associated with the IAM user. :param bastion_sts: The profile that assume role profiles source. :type mfa_serial: str :type bastion_sts: str :raises ClientError: Failed to get mfa_serial from the iam user. :raises Exception: Failed to set mfa_serial for bastion_sts profile. """ if not mfa_serial: try: iam = boto3.client('iam') username = iam.get_user()["User"]["UserName"] for iam_mfa_device in iam.list_mfa_devices(UserName=username)["MFADevices"]: mfa_serial = iam_mfa_device["SerialNumber"] break # no need to check another MFA device. else: click.echo("An error occured when getting the mfa device from current iam user.") sys.exit(1) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ValidationError': click.echo("An error occured when getting the mfa serial number. " \ "Your iam user to have 'iam:get_user' and 'iam:list_mfa_devices' " \ "permissions. \n{}".format(e)) else: click.echo("Unexpected error: {}".format(e)) sys.exit(1) self.config[bastion_sts]["mfa_serial"] = mfa_serial
[docs] def set_default(self, profile): """ Set the default profile with attributes from another profile. :param profile: The profile with a 'role_arn' attribute. :type profile: str """ try: self.config['default'] = dict(self.config[profile]) except KeyError: click.echo("Failed to set default profile with attributes from '{}' profile".format(profile)) click.echo("The '{}' profile is not defined in the {} file.".format(profile, self.aws_shared_credentials_path)) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def clear(self, bastion="bastion"): """ Clear sts credentials from the aws shared credentials file. :param bastion: The profile containing the long-lived IAM credentials. :type bastion: str :return: Whether or not any sts credentials were removed from the aws shared credentials file. :rtype: bool """ profiles = self.config.sections() # we don't want to remove the long-lived credentials profiles.remove(bastion) click.echo("- Skipping the '{}' profile because it may contain long-lived credentials.".format(bastion)) for profile in profiles: if "source_profile" not in self.config[profile]: click.echo("- Skipping the '{}' profile because it may contain long-lived credentials.".format(profile)) continue is_access_key = "aws_access_key_id" in self.config[profile] is_secret_key = "aws_secret_access_key" in self.config[profile] is_session_token = "aws_session_token" in self.config[profile] is_expiration = "aws_session_expiration" in self.config[profile] if is_access_key: del self.config[profile]["aws_access_key_id"] if is_secret_key: del self.config[profile]["aws_secret_access_key"] if is_session_token: del self.config[profile]["aws_session_token"] if is_expiration: del self.config[profile]["aws_session_expiration"] if any([is_access_key, is_secret_key, is_session_token, is_expiration]): click.echo("- STS credentials were removed from the {} profile.".format(profile)) self.write()
[docs] def write(self): """ Write credentials to the aws shared credentials file. """ with open(self.aws_shared_credentials_path, 'w') as f: self.config.write(f)