Source code for awscli_bastion.sts

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from datetime import timedelta
from import tzutc
import boto3
import click
import datetime
import getpass
import sys

ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS = timedelta(hours=1).seconds
TWELVE_HOURS_IN_SECONDS = timedelta(hours=12).seconds

[docs]class STS: """ A small class that wraps relevant boto3 sts function calls. """ def __init__(self, bastion="bastion", bastion_sts="bastion-sts", region="us-west-2", credentials=None, cache=None): self.bastion = bastion self.bastion_sts = bastion_sts self.region = region self.credentials = credentials self.cache = cache
[docs] def is_mfa_code_invalid(self, mfa_code): return len(mfa_code) != 6 or not mfa_code.isdigit()
def _get_mfa_code(self, mfa_serial): """ Prompt the user for the mfa code and return it. :param mfa_serial: The identification number of the MFA device that is associated with the IAM user. :type mfa_serial: str :return: 6 digit mfa code :rtype: str """ is_mfa_code_invalid = True while is_mfa_code_invalid: mfa_code = getpass.getpass("Enter MFA code for {}: ".format(mfa_serial)) is_mfa_code_invalid = self.is_mfa_code_invalid(mfa_code) if is_mfa_code_invalid: click.echo("Warning: The MFA code must be 6 digits. For example: 123456") return mfa_code
[docs] def get_session_token(self, mfa_code=None, mfa_serial=None, duration_seconds=TWELVE_HOURS_IN_SECONDS): """ Get the short-lived credentials from sts.get_session_token() if the 'mfa_code' is provided. Otherwise, try to look up sts credentials from the cache. :param mfa_code: The value provided by the MFA device. :type mfa_code: str :param mfa_serial: The identification number of the MFA device that is associated with the IAM user. :type mfa_serial: str :param duration_seconds: The duration, in seconds, that the credentials should remain valid. :type duration_seconds: str :return: sts credentials :rtype: dict """ if not mfa_serial: mfa_serial = self.credentials.get_mfa_serial(bastion_sts=self.bastion_sts) cached_sts_creds = None if not mfa_code and not self.cache.is_expired(): cached_sts_creds = if cached_sts_creds: sts_creds = cached_sts_creds else: if not mfa_code or self.is_mfa_code_invalid(mfa_code): mfa_code = self._get_mfa_code(mfa_serial) session = boto3.Session(profile_name=self.bastion, region_name=self.region) sts = session.client("sts") try: sts_creds = sts.get_session_token( DurationSeconds=duration_seconds, SerialNumber=mfa_serial, TokenCode=mfa_code )["Credentials"] sts_creds["Expiration"] = sts_creds["Expiration"].isoformat() except Exception as e: click.echo(e) sys.exit(1) self.cache.write(sts_creds) return sts_creds
[docs] def assume_role(self, profile, duration_seconds=ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS): """Get the short-lived credentials from sts.assume_role(). :param profile: The profile that contains the 'role_arn' and 'source_profile' attributes. :type profile: str :param duration_seconds: The duration, in seconds, that the credentials should remain valid. :type duration_seconds: str :return: sts credentials :rtype: dict """ session = boto3.Session(profile_name=self.bastion_sts, region_name=self.region) sts = session.client("sts") try: role_arn = self.credentials.config[profile]["role_arn"] except Exception: click.echo("An error occured when getting the role_arn from '{}' profile.".format(profile)) sys.exit(1) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d") try: iam = boto3.client('iam') username = iam.get_user()["User"]["UserName"] role_session_name = "{}-{}".format(username, timestamp) except Exception: role_session_name = "bastion-assume-role-{}".format(timestamp) try: sts_creds = sts.assume_role( RoleArn=role_arn, RoleSessionName=role_session_name, DurationSeconds=duration_seconds )["Credentials"] except ClientError as e: click.echo(e) sys.exit(1) return sts_creds